The Stronghold: How Republicans Captured Congress but Surrendered the White House
Schaller has an interesting hypothesis about the state of the Republican party today. That is the Republicans have found that, rather than becoming a more inclusive party and reaching out to minorities and liberals, they have decided that it is more in their interest to concentrate on getting out the vote of their more conservative members and suppressing the votes of other parties. This by stricter voter registration laws, gerrymandering of political districts, and fear tactics. While these methods work for the distended, artificial districts they have created, ensuring the reelection of congressional members, they do not seem to transfer to their presidential candidates. A great deal of discussion ensues to make his case, which he does admirably. The Tea Party and the effects they are having on the Republican party, as well as the system as a whole, is covered well. I, for one, have to admit being becoming a believer in his theory. The book flows well, and is very well written. The Republicans would be well advised to read this book, and adjust their policies if they ever want to win the White House.
Completed On: April 3, 2015